Wesley United Methodist Church
Tuesday, October 22, 2024
903 Center St., Bryan, Ohio


Holy Communion is a sacred meal in which the community of faith, the Church, remembers all that God has done, is doing, and will continue to do for us in Christ. In Communion we meditate on the grace and peace of Christ through sharing the bread and juice. This is commonly called the Lord's Supper or Eucharist. We do this just as Jesus and his disciples shared together during his preaching and teaching ministry. Take a look at Luke 24:30-35; or John 21:13 to find out more.
Communion is served on the first Sunday of every month in the Celebrate! and Traditional Services, as well as during other special services. Communion is served every Sunday in the early Chapel Service. 

"I'm not Methodist or a member of Wesley, can I take communion?"

All who believe in the salvation of Jesus Christ are invited to join in Communion when it is offered at Wesley.

The United Methodist Book of Worship explains, “All who intend to lead a Christian life, together with their children, are invited to receive the bread and cup.”

The official document on baptism says, “Because the table at which we gather belongs to the Lord, it should be open to all who respond to Christ’s love, regardless of age or church membership.”

"Can my child take communion?"

In The United Methodist Church, children are welcome to take Communion.  It is up to the parents to decide when their child should begin receiving Communion.  It is helpful to consider that children grow spiritually by participating in the life of the church.  They experience the world in a physical way.  Through meaningful rituals within their faith community, they know the church as a place to experience God's unconditional love and feel a part of that community.
It may be difficult for young children to understand the symbolism and metaphors of Communion, but they can appreciate this act of sharing and remember it as an encounter with Christ.  As they grow, they will begin to grasp the abstract meaning of the bread and cup.
The Holy Spirit works within each of us.  The Lord's Supper is an opportunity for all of us to be nurtured and have our spiritual needs met.